3 Months in Central America & needing to speak Spanish
A few years ago I spent 3 months in Central America with my two kids and before we left we NEVER took any Spanish lessons to help us communicate with the locals. We flew into Mexico City and tromped the streets seeing all of the sights and thoroughly enjoying ourselves. I had been there a couple of years previous so had a fairly good idea what we wanted to see and do. Our Lonely Planet Guide Book helped us find a good budget hotel and some great places to eat. The Spanish phrase book we carried helped us a lot thank goodness but we all wished we could speak the language. Our plan was to take Spanish lessons in Guatemala about a month later. We could hardly wait to get there.
A few words were appreciated
We had lots of fun traveling on the buses throughout Mexico and picking up a few words here and there. I quickly learned the words “sin bano” meaning there is no bathroom in the room. It was just part of the fabulous experience we were having.
During our trip we crossed many borders as we visited Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica and were gradually learning more and become a bit more fluent in the Spanish language. All the time I was wishing we had taken some lessons before we arrived. It would have been so much easier to be able to have a conversation in Spanish with the wonderful people we met along the way.
Reflecting on our Central American Adventure
Today I was remembering all of this as I sat in my living room studying Spanish on my computer using an interactive online program I have recently discovered I can learn the Spanish Language with Rocket Spanish. I could really have used this before our first trip to Central America!
As you know I did study Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala and we lived with a Guatemalan family while we were there. We learned a lot and if I am honest I have to admit my kids did better than I did. When I say kids, they were in their 20’s but will always be kids to me.
Increasing my language skills
Ever since we returned from Central America I have taken every opportunity to increase my language skills with the plan to become more fluent. I want to be able to hold a conversation in Spanish without hesitation and I will get there now that I have started this program. I signed up for the FREE trial version and so far am very impressed.
As I immerse myself more into the lessons I plan on doing a review of Rocket Language and will let you know how I am doing. So far I am impressed with the interactive audio lessons and the way they lay the foundation in preparation for more intense lessons. Even if I had never had a Spanish lesson in my life I would find this program to be excellent. I am hoping more of you will join me in taking some online lessons in Spanish and maybe we can speak to each other using it. What do you think? Join me and sign up for Rocket Spanish Premium – Learn Spanish Like a Rocket!
Happy travels,
PS: I don’t know about you but as I get older I think it’s important to keep my brain active and by learning a new language it definitely help ~ learn the Spanish Language with Rocket Spanish. By signing up on our Write for Travel Website you will receive a FREE Guide that shows you how “Ordinary Ways to Learn Languages Extraordinarily Fast” showing you how to learn a new language.