Camping and RVing is so popular in Canada they have a yearly event just to celebrate it.
Join in the fun!
Each year there are a number of campgrounds who participate in the Canadian RVing and Camping Week encouraging Canadians and visitors to try RVing or camping. 2019 will be the fifth year this fun event will take place with all kinds of activities and enjoyment for the whole family. It will be a terrific time to be in Canada and camp in one of the participating campgrounds.
British Columbia – 23 campgrounds participate!
In 2018 there were 23 campgrounds in British Columbia who participated with even more planning on joining in for 2019. That’s just in British Columbia alone and there are nine more provinces and three territories with even more campgrounds to choose from.
Camping and RVing can be a family experience that is affordable, creating memories that will last from generation to generation. It encourages families to spend time together, doing activities they normally wouldn’t do if they stayed at home.
It really doesn’t matter if participants camp in a tent or a big motorhome it’s the time spent together that counts. So mark your calendar for May 21 to May 26, 2019 and be sure to attend Canada’s Camping and RVing Week – it could become a family tradition.