My RV friends probably won’t need these tips for camping but they are definitely interesting.
Camping tips and tricks for survival for Serious Campers
There is a lot to learn about yourself when camping. Your patience and knowledge are tested on almost every task at the campsite, lighting a fire, pitching a tent and many other things. You get to understand that sleeping on the ground feels pretty impressive. Some tasks are more challenging than others but aren’t impossible. Here are a few camping tips and tricks to make your adventure more enjoyable:
Making a stove from a beer can
For those who carry can sodas and other beverages, the can is not damaged after you are through with the drink. Use a knife, some denatured alcohol and be encouraged too and transform the can into a DIY camping stove that will boil water in less than 6 minutes and it is simple.
Freeze water to keep food fresh
Put a gallon of water in a jug and freeze it into ice. The jug shaped ice block lasts longer than ice cubes and even after it melts, you will still have a gallon of ice cold water.
Make an emergency rain shelter using a tarp
Sometimes unexpected and windy rain gives people a surprise while camping. If you are camping and this happens while the wind is so strong, you can make an emergency rain shelter using a tarp. The others can shelter there as you make the tent sturdier. Just stake one corner of the tarp facing the wind, prop a pole under the opposite side of the tarp and from the top of the pole, fasten the line to a tree or ground stake.
Use water and tree oil to repel insects
Insects can be a real bother while camping. You can prevent such kind of inconvenience and mischief from insects by mixing about 40 drops of tea tree oil with approximately 12-16 Oz of water and spray it on yourself. The insects will stay away from you and you will smell good.
Before you go camping, you should be ready for anything and be as equipped as possible to handle some of these challenges efficiently and make the experience a great one
If you are a camper and planning on doing some camping here’s a site that looks good.
Safe travels,