The following is an excerpt from my contribution to RV Traveling Tales – Women’s Journeys on the Open Road.
The open road with its twist and turns is a metaphor for life. In retrospect I could see where one turn took me away from my dreams.
Wrong Turn
Four and a half years ago, I left my husband and marriage of thirteen years, put all my world belongings in storage, bought a 29-foot travel trailer, and headed south from northern British Columbia. No job in sight, not a great deal of money in the bank, just a very real dream of working and traveling. There was so much I wanted to do and see. I had no definite plans, no set direction, just a feeling of relief and anticipation. I knew what I had been doing was wrong for me, as if who I was, was fading and I felt that I wouldn’t survive if I didn’t get out into the world, and fast – changes had to be made…… Click here to view more details
RV Traveling Tales is the perfect companion for the adventurous writer. Within its pages you will find the intimate lives of women who have experiened the essence of life and nature. These women followed their heart as the writing-life journey took them to the open road.” Sheri McConnell, founder and president, National Association of Women Writers (NAWW)
Click here to view more details
Things have changed a great deal since I wrote that piece and since then I have traveled extensively through out Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, China, United States, Cuba and Canada and look forward to even more travels.Click here to view more details about the book I am very proud to be part of.
Happy travels,