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Consider an RV Rental for this summer’s vacation
Starting out on a vacation in the comfort of one of many RV rentals that are available, with your friends or family is probably one of the most exciting ways of traveling. Store your personal items in the closets, fill up the cupboards with food, load up the refrigerator and you are all set.
Touring a country in a motorhome allows you to take your home with you. There is no packing up a suitcase every day or finding a new hotel every night. You have your bed and personal belongings with you. You can stay wherever you wish, within reason, and stop whenever you want to. Sometimes having to eat in a restaurant for each meal can become tiresome, never mind the cost. These are some of the most popular RV Rentals.
Coming from Europe to rent an RV?
Many Europeans come to North America and rent an RV from one of the major rental companies to tour the sites in the region. Sometimes a group will rent two or three RVs and form a caravan so they can travel together. You can usually recognize them because they typically all have the same type of RV from the same RV Rental Company and don’t let each other out of their sight in case they get lost.

One of the major RV Rental Companies that I am familiar with is RV Rentals from El Monte RV a national privately owned company offering RV rentals from many location across the United States. They boast that they are America’s Premier RV Rental / Motorhome Rental Company since 1970 and their popularity is continuously growing. Their success is based on the types of RV model types they have available as well as the quality of each of their company owned recreational vehicle.
Recreational Vehicles are expensive and if you aren’t going to use them for great a great length of time, they can be a waste of money. They don’t appreciate in value and require a lot of maintenance to keep them in good condition. That’s why renting one is probably the smart thing to do and RV rental prices are much lower than the cost of buying an RV of your own. They usually come fully equipped and are usually only a couple of years old.

There are different types of RVs available and to learn more read about the Five different types of RV Rentals available.
I know El Monte RV offers Toll Free roadside assistance and all of their vehicles are company owned and operated so you can depend upon them They even have instructional videos available in many world languages. They offer many services such as helping you plan your vacation, make campground reservations, provide maps and they can even tell you what events are taking place in the area when you will be there.
So if you are thinking of your next vacation and you want to try something different, maybe researching RV rentals will help you decide where and how you will travel.
Happy travels,
Carol Ann